duminică, 25 martie 2012

My dreams..my wishes

    I want...
~I want a big house;
~I want to go to Japan;
~I want a red convertible car; =]]
~I want a dog of breed Akita; 8->
~I want an iPhone;
~I want a party in pajamas; =]] :]]
~I want to do around the world in a summer; :]]
~I want the moon; =p~ =]]
~I want more clothes; 8-> ;x
~I want moneeeey $.$ xD 
                                             But..are just dreams...
        Dreams baby, dreams `.! 

2 comentarii:

  1. Astea 2 le vreau si eu.Restul nu zic ca nu as vrea si eu sa le fac/am insa nu le consider asa importante precum astea 2.
    ~I want to do around the world in a summer; :]]
    ~I want the moon; =p~ =]]

  2. Ce ti se pare important la luna `.? :]]
